캠블리 Cambly 6주차 수업내용 : 전치사 공부영어공부 2019. 12. 19. 00:20
제 블로그에 남기는 영어표현과 번역은 제가 느끼는 뉘양스로 적는거라 확실하지 않을 수 있어요. 제가 공부하려고 끄적이는 것이니 틀린 표현일 수 있어요.
Are you going to be ready for tomorrow? : 내일 (경기볼) 준비 돼 있지?
I hopfully do well : 잘 했으면 좋겠다.
I think they are the same point.
They are one point more than us. = They are one point above us.
Let's have a quick look.
We can beat them.
1. until : 시간하고만 같이 씀, 공간의 개념에서 쓰지 않음
2. up to : 공간적 개념에서 씀
3. It is another three weeks until the holidays. = It is another three weeks to the holidays. 같은 의미
4. Nothing, No, Nobody와 같은 negative expressions 뒤에 besides, except, apart from이 오면 모두 같은 의미이다.
ex) I don't know how she manages to support such a large family. She has nothing (besides or except or apart from) her pension.
5. Are you wearing anything (under or underneath) your sweater?
6. My cellphone is underneath my book. (책 바로 아래에 핸드폰이 있는 경우)
7. I was in front of you. (위치상 앞에 있다는 의미)
8. I was before you. (순서상 앞에 있다는 의미)
9. We should arrive at their place in time for lunch.
10. in time : 제시간에, 제때에
11. They live in a small one bedroom flat on the 3rd floor.
12. 대중교통(bus, plane, train, etc)에는 on / off를 사용.
ex) Granny is arriving on th 3:30 train.
13. Last year, there were a large number of mangoes on the tree. 여기서 on은 attached to의 의미
14. line(ex. a road or a river)에 있는 위치를 말할 때는 on을 사용
ex) His house is on the way from Mumbai to Thane.
15. He met and fell in love with a French girl when he was at the London School of Economics. 공부하는 곳 앞에는 at.
16. A few days after the accident she died (of or from) the injuries.
die of or die from
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