캠블리 Cambly 6주차 수업내용 : 토트넘vs번리 프리미어리그관련 기사영어공부 2019. 12. 17. 23:49
Son, Kane both 9/10 as rampant Spurs hit five vs. Burnley
Harry Kane and Son Heung-min helped Tottenham bounce back from their midweek defeat to Man United with a thrilling attacking display in a 5-0 win.
The goal was insane. 골이 미쳤다.
Enough. 그거면 충분해
Certainly. 물론이지, 당연하지
Proof read : 교정하다, 원고 교정하다.
adjective : 형용사
bizarre : [비잘~] 기이한, 특이한 weird, very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement. ex) It was a bizarre situation. I did not understand anything.
demanding : adj. 힘든, 부담이 큰
normal day : 평범한 날
1. 9/10 : nine out of ten
ex) English exam your mark was 7/10.
10점 만점에 9점인건 알겠는데.. 소리내서 읽을 줄을 몰랐다. out of!
2. rampant : 1. They're doing whatever they want to do 원하는걸 해야만하는. 2.flourishing or spreading unchecked. 확인되지 않은 확산, 퍼짐, 번창. 3. everywhere 어디든
ex) During the holidays if not checked, crime can be rampant.
ex) The burnley defence went missing leaving Sonny in a rampant mood.
ex) The kids' parents were not home, so they were rampant.
ex) The children are rampant in the library, when I am not present.
ex) The children were not as rampant today as they normally are.
ex) The baby unless fed will become rampant.
기사 제목부터.. 이해가 안감.
3. long-range : far away <-> close-range
ex) We will take the children to Vietnam next week. It will be a long-range event.
4. culminate (in) : 1. reach a climax or point of highest development 마침내 최고점에 달하는 느낌. (성취에 관한)
ex) 4 years of study culminates in the degree.
ex) His work culminated in a Nobel Prize
ex) At the end of the night, the concert will culminate in a huge fireworks display.
ex) The culmination of the show was the fashion designer greeting all her models.
5. clinical : [클리니컬] efficient and unemotional; coldly detached. 냉정한
ex) During work I can be clinical when dealing with my colleagues.[콜릭스]
ex) I had to be clinical when dealing with my personal finances and anything that was not essential I had to do away with.
6. despair : [디스페얼] n. 절망
7. round off : finish랑 비슷한 의미
ex) It rounds off a fine afternoon from Jose Mourinho's side.
8. quartet : 4명 4중주, 여기선 4인방, 4인조 이런 느낌
9. devastate :
10. link up : join together, connect, 체인 사슬이 link up.
ex) I am going out with friends = I link up with friends.
11. superbly : very well, very good
12. a sight to behold : sth so amazing,
ex) Angkor Wat is a sight to behold.
13. solid display : adj. 단단한, 고체의 -> 견고한 플레이 요런 느낌.
14. appease : pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands, To make them quite. 달래다
ex) To appease the children we had to buy them candy.
ex) I appease them by giving swimming pool ticket.
ex) The only way to appease the children is pretend to give them what they want.
15. thoroughly : [떠럴리] completely 완전히
ex) Thoroughly clean your room : 완전히 다르게 보일만큼 치우는 느낌
16. shaky : [쉐이키] 불안정한 느낌
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