캠블리 Cambly 7주차 수업내용 : 뉴스기사 읽기영어공부 2019. 12. 24. 10:20
이번 주, 데니스 선생님과 수업한 2번 모두 기사를 2개씩 읽었다. 선생님이 점점 잘 읽는다고 칭찬해주셨다. 하지만 아직은 형편없고, 유창하지는 못하다. 이번 주에 읽은 기사들은 아래와 같다. 모르는 단어들을 영영 뜻과 예문을 함께 적어둔다.
How to Take Great Travel Photos | Engoo Daily News
English language learning content based on recent news articles. New stories added daily.
New Lord of the Rings Series to Film in New Zealand | Engoo Daily News
English language learning content based on recent news articles. New stories added daily.
1. take on : to fight or compete against someone or something
ex) Tonight, Tottenham will take on Chelsea.
ex) Some people have said tha Amazon could spend more than $1 billion on the series; as it looks to take on streaming services like Netfilx and Hulu.
Hong Kong Protesters Win Time's Person of the Year Poll | Engoo Daily News
English language learning content based on recent news articles. New stories added daily.
1. poll : the process of asking a group of people about their opinion on something
ex) He is involved in conducting a poll.
ex) Hong Kong protesters win Time's Person of the Year Poll.
AirAsia Opens Restaurant Serving Airline Food | Engoo Daily News
English language learning content based on recent news articles. New stories added daily.
1. turn out : to happen or end in a specific way
ex) It turns out you were right after all.
ex) Look how hta turned out!
대화 속에서 나온 문장들.
We've got 45 seconds left. I absolutely really enjoy talking to you. You are such a nice lady. I don't know why with you time goes (손가락 틱!) like that. I think I've been talking to you 10 minutes, but it's been nearly 30 minutes. wow. You are funny. You have good sense of humor. Book me again sometimes
이건 주니어선생님과 만든 예문이다. 토트넘 기사 복습내용은 이전에 업로드한 글에 수정, 추가하였다.
$3,000 Robot to Carry Groceries Goes on Sale | Engoo Daily News
English language learning content based on recent news articles. New stories added daily.
1. groceries : food, drinks, etc, that you buy in a store
ex) After work, I went to the grocery store.
2. consumer : a person who buys goods and servies; someone who uses something
ex) The consumer complained about the item.
ex) As a consumer when I purchase goods I expect a decent service.
cf. Decent : of an acceptable standard; satisfactory / conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior
ex) He is a decent person.
3. scooter : a small, light motorcycle[모터사이클]
ex) There are so many scooters in front of the building.
4. deliver : the bring something to a person or place
ex) In Korea, there is a good delivery service.
5. sensor : a device that reacts to heat, movement, light, etc.
ex) In front of the library, there is a sensor.
6. charge : to make someone pay an amout of money for something
ex) The Cambodian Government have a $3 charge for waste disposal.
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