캠블리 Cambly 10주차 수업내용 : 짧은 영어기사 읽기/주제에 대해 답하기영어공부 2020. 1. 14. 23:13
10주차 첫번째 수업 1st lesson : 주니어 선생님 : 토트넘 기사 읽기
안부는 토트넘 이야기로 시작. 오늘은 미들즈브러와 토트넘이 1:1로 비긴 내용으로 시작했다.
After Spurs equalized, I went to bed. : 토트넘이 동점골 넣는 걸 보고 잤다는 내용.
Are you still with me? 연결이 끊길려고 하면, 소리가 잘 안들리면 선생님이 들리냐고 하는 말
1. drowsy : 졸리는
ex) Medication makes me drowsy.
I think you changed position. 선생님
2. self-inflicted : 자초한 hurt myself
3. lead 이끌다
ex) I was led to the shopping mall by my GF to buy some shoes.
ex) I will lead you to where you can buy some nice food
4. solid
ex) She had even been guilty of rubbing the DNA test in his face — solid proof that the baby girl was his. 여기서는 명백한 이런 의미
ex) I worked out for a solid hour. 여기서 solid는 쉼 없이 전체의 이런 의미
ex) For 4 solid years, I worked in Cambodia.
5. concede : give up, give in, Surrender or yield 포기하다, 넘겨주다, 양보하다, 굴복하다 이런 느낌. 내가 선택해서 양보하는 느낌.
ex) I concede that what you are saying is correct
ex) The partner conceded to all the demands
ex) I had to concede to the children and let them have their ice cream
6. ultimately 궁극적으로, 결국
10주차 두번째 수업 2nd lesson : 데니스 선생님 : 한가지 주제, 내용에 대답하기
Question1 : Describe a practical skill that you have (such as driving a car, speaking a foreign language, cooking etc). You should say: what this skill is who taught you this skill; (how and when you learned it) how long you learned this skill and explain how this skill is useful to you.
My boss went back to give birth to a baby
Question2 : Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution You should say: where it is when you visited this place what kinds of pollution you saw there Explain how this place was affected.
odor : 악취
I am amazed by that. : 그것 때문에 나는 놀랐어요.
reservoir : 저수지
Question 3 : Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting. You should say: Where this place was What you did at this place Who you went there with Explain why you like this place.
pension : 연금
Go on! : 해봐!
10주차 세번째 수업 3rd lesson : 주니어 선생님 : 의식의 흐름으로 흘러간 수업(축구얘기, 한국인 성이 왜 김,이,박이 많은지..) 그러다 막판에 기사하나 읽음
concede : He conceded a penalty. he had a choice not to tackle but he chose to foul the other player
fixture : (특정한 날짜와 장소에서 개최하기로 되어 있는) 경기
dynasty : 왕조, 시대, 역대 통치자
ancestor : 조상
great great grand mother : 고조 할머니
suppress freedom : 자유를 억압하다.
주니어 선생님.. 한국인은 다 산낙지를 산 채로 먹어서 죽이는 줄 아시고,, 한국에서는 수염을 길러서는 안 되는 이상한 나라로 생각할 것 같다. 이건 아닌데...ㅠㅠ
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